Buy IPv6 proxy

Public offer

About the provision of proxy server rental services, mobile proxy servers and dedicated servers on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as Services) to an individual, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, Instagram-Proxy Company, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, collectively referred to as the Parties. This agreement is in the nature of a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) and is equivalent to an "oral contract", in accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has proper legal force. Acceptance of this Offer is by default ordering on the website

1. Terms and definitions

Offer — this document published on the Website at

Website — a set of programs for electronic computers and other information of the Contractor in the information and telecommunications network of the Internet, which is accessed at

The application is the result of the Customer's actions performed using the software of the Website or other software provided by the Contractor, reflecting the composition and list of services provided, mandatory for the Contractor.

Registration data is a list of mandatory information determined by the Contractor, specified by the applicant during the initial formation of an Application for the provision of services and available for subsequent editing by the Customer through the personal account on the Website.

Credentials — data provided to the Customer by e-mail or through other software tools of the Contractor in order to gain access to the services.

Personal account is a section of the site that allows the user to track the end date of using services, make their prolongation, place an order for new services

Login and password – unique data for access to the use of services

Mail spam - mass mailing of information by e-mail

Brut - the process of selecting a password for accounts from certain databases

Carding is a type of fraud in which an operation is performed using a bank card or its details, not initiated by its owner

Phishing is a type of fraud on the Internet in order to obtain confidential user data

Torrent client is an Internet protocol that allows you to download large volumes of files

Payment system – a cashless payment system using an Internet network

Online banking – the possibility of remote control of the account / card using the Internet

2. General provisions

2.1 Services are understood as providing to the Customer:

access to the Personal Account
of a unique login and password that allow him to get sole access to the services
of a list of proxy servers to which the Customer has access
to the necessary consultations to connect to the Services and configure the software via e-mail, phone or technical support chat.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

The Contractor undertakes to provide services to the Customer during the term of the Offer, and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services in a timely manner.

3.1. The Contractor is obliged to:

ООО Intrernet-Tehnologii NN
Address: Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, ul. Arkadiya Gaydara, d.26 , of. 316
tel: +79302120211

3.2. The Customer is obliged to:

3.1.1. Indicate reliable registration data, make changes to them in a timely manner.

3.1.2. Ensure confidential storage and prevent compromising of credentials.

3.1.3. Immediately notify the Contractor in case of loss or reasonable suspicion of violation of confidentiality (compromise) of credentials.

publication, transmission or viewing of pornographic materials;
mail spam, as well as other types of spam;
brutus, carding, phishing, any kind of hacking;
using proxy servers for downloading via torrent clients;
using proxy servers for payment systems and online banking;
committing actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of elements of the Internet (computers, other equipment or software);
performing actions aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to an Internet resource (computer, other equipment or information resource), subsequent use of such access, as well as destruction or modification of data on this resource.

3.2. The Contractor has the right to:

3.2.1. In case of any of the actions specified in clause 3.2.4, the Contractor has the right to stop the provision of services without refund to the Customer;

3.2.2. At its discretion, involve third parties in the execution of the Contract;

3.2.3. Change the cost and parameters of tariffs or tariff plans unilaterally no more than three times a year;

3.2.4. Suspend the provision of services for a period of no more than four hours per month during the validity period of this Offer in order to carry out scheduled maintenance of communications and other equipment used to provide them;

3.2.5. Suspend, block or prohibit the use of the Customer's software if the operation of such software leads or may lead to emergency situations, violation of the security system or terms of service;

3.2.6. Suspend the provision of services in whole or in part if the load created by the provided computing power, as well as incoming or outgoing Internet traffic, creates unacceptable conditions for the operation of the Contractor's technical means or affects the quality, including security, of the provision of services to other clients of the Contractor;

3.2.7. To refuse to provide services to the Customer without explanation, with the return of all funds not used by the subscriber.

3.3. The Contractor is not responsible:

3.3.1 For high-quality and uninterrupted operation, availability of individual segments of the Internet supported by third parties.

3.3.2 For direct or indirect damage (including lost profits) caused to the Customer in connection with the use or non-use of the Services.

3.3.3 For the availability of information posted by the Customer for all segments of the Internet, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of segments supported by third parties.

3.3.4 For the information posted by the Customer, the operability of the software installed without the participation of the Contractor.

3.3.5 For the operability and compatibility of the software developed by the Customer or third parties.

3.3.6 For access by third parties to the Customer's confidential information, including credentials, which occurred due to the Customer's fault, as well as for the consequences of such access.

3.3.7 For damages of any kind incurred by the Customer due to the latter's disclosure of his credentials.

3.3.8 For the accuracy of the registration data provided by the Customer.

3.3.9 For the operability of third-party software.

3.3.10 For any arbitrary failures of the program/ database or the generation of errors by the program / database, as a result of which the provision of the Service was suspended to the Customer, or the Service is not provided in full. In case of timely notification by the Customer of the Contractor about the problems that have arisen, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate the problems and resume the provision of the Service as soon as technically possible. A timely notification is considered to be made within 1 hour from the moment of the failure.

3.3.11 The Contractor is not a defendant or a co-respondent if the Subscriber's actions have caused financial, moral or physical harm to third parties.

3.4. The Customer has the right to:

3.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide Services in accordance with the terms of this offer;

3.4.2. Require recalculation in case of interruptions in the provision of services or in the provision of services with reduced quality in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Contract;

3.4.3. To demand a refund or replacement of the service within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of the credentials, in the following cases:

if the service was not rendered
if the service does not work and the Customer can document it (video, photo, logging)
4. Cost of services and payment procedure

4.2. Settlements are made by the Customer through the use of online banking or payment systems provided in the payment form on the Contractor's website. No other payment methods are provided.

4.3. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally revise the prices for Services and introduce new tariff plans. The Contractor notifies the Customer about the introduction of new prices by means of e-mail notification.

4.4. Payment for Services is made in the form of an advance payment.

4.5. The Customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him. When changing the details of the Contractor, the Customer is independently responsible for payments made using outdated details.

5. The term of the Contract. Procedure for modification and termination

5.1. The Offer comes into force from the moment of publication on the Contractor's Website and is valid until the moment of withdrawal of the Offer by the Contractor.

5.2. The Contractor reserves the right to amend the terms of the Offer or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion.

5.3. The Offer may be terminated by agreement of the parties.

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